Strong Lives: Why Is Change So Absurdly Difficult?

Why is change so hard? What’s really holding people back? Why do some people seem to benevolently breeze through all of the changes that life demands of them, while others become unglued even if they have to change their laundry detergent? Although change is inherently part of everyday life, there are few things equal to the process of personal change. Human behavior is fueled and even captivated by habits which is one of the reasons change is so hard. However, there are other explanations. Change is a continuous process that interrupts or disrupts the conditions of life leading to a new way of thinking and behaving. Change always presents the challenge of beginning something new, ceasing old ways, reducing something or adding to it. I can think of no better relevant example of change than Covid19. People resist change because they believe they will lose something of value or fear they will not be able to adapt to the new ways. Because it jeopardizes their sense of security, they also withstand change if it remarkably alters their usual schedules. The three types of changes in life include personal change such as creating a new habit or eliminating an old one, then there’s physical changes like those that occur in the human body and external changes such as world or global transitions, corporate or work related ones, cultural and social changes, and, something everyone is reeling about right now, political reform in one way or another. Another reason that change is difficult is because of all of the questions that people have when facing change. Questions like: Why is change...
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