The Biggest Problem That Humanity Is Unknowingly Plugging Into Every Day and Why It Matters

The Biggest Problem That Humanity Is Unknowingly Plugging Into Every Day and Why It Matters

“People are destroyed due to the lack of knowledge.”

Another insidious global crisis affecting millions of people is looming. It’s the crisis of all time, and, consequentially, humanity is on the brink of becoming an endangered species. As a researcher, human behavior expert, and empowerment facilitator who has personally experienced the effects of this invisible dirty secret, I’m purposed to shed light on the problem.

“Our problems are manmade; therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. Man’s reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable, and we believe they can do it again.”~John F. Kennedy

It is written that people are destroyed due to a lack of knowledge. Therefore, I want to empower you with research-based information to eliminate the fear factor that’s oftentimes involved with the unknown or unfamiliar. I also want to provide you with the education to prevent or mitigate the well-documented issues associated with it

Productivity, performance, and human potentials are voltage…a measure of electrical energy.

While the debate about this topic is ongoing, I hope that you’re empowered to be curious, ask unpopular questions, and exercise your senses and discernment to connect the dots. They are everywhere.

There’s power in knowledge, measurements, peer-reviewed studies, and people’s stories which are oftentimes overlooked. Sadly, most people don’t know where to begin when they become symptomatic of the problem, how to explain it, nor do they know what and how to measure phenomena to eliminate the oftentimes mind-boggling guesswork. It can be measured and you can make sense of it so that you can either prevent and/or mitigate the adverse effects of exposure. Throughout this series, you will learn how to identify, measure, and avoid or mitigate it.

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”-Scientist, Marie Curie

Light, electricity, and life are the same things…they have the same meaning. Therefore, I will use those terms interchangeably throughout the series.

Evidenced by disruptions in productivity and human potentials that manifest as symptoms ranging from sleep disturbances to ringing in the ears, poor concentration, tingling, and a host of other problems, including death, there are increasing numbers of reports of people becoming victims of the accumulative effects of electromagnetic interferences also known as EMI and subjection to intentional electromagnetic interference known as iemi which in the simplest of terms means the malicious use of energy/light/electricity,

This new series, The E Factor and Our Invisible World is rooted in spirituality because from the beginning, light and electricity have always been present in the environment. Speaking to the malicious use of it, the heart of man drives behavior, good or evil. For years, I’ve said there’s a spiritual dimension to every problem and, because the looming crisis is man-made, this one is no different.

I want you to be empowered to reclaim and own your power which is the light in your body. It is written that in your patience shall you possess ye your soul. Your soul consists of the eternal dimension of who you are which is spirit, the mind, and the body. It takes a personal relationship with God and tactical knowledge about your environment to possess or own your soul.

With direct currents (DC) from the heavens and cosmos, in the beginning, God said “Let There Be Light.” (Gen. 1:4)

The electrical dimension of the physical anatomy of man was spoken into the atmosphere of the earth.

Then, the elements and dust from the earth, including oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus (the most abundant elements found in the human body, followed by potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium), and more, man was created.
It is written: “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. Matt 5:14

But, what happened to that light that was breathed and spoken into man from the beginning?

Light or electricity is defined as life, It is written: [as described in John 1:4, ]
“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”

Life is light or electricity and those who have faith through Him will have eternal life, light, and electricity. This “life” is a gift Jesus brought from God into a deteriorating world.

Both the human body and the Earth have multiple connected systems that enable life. Earth’s stability relies on the balance of its air, water, land, and life systems. So does the human body.

Electricity is a fundamental source of energy and light that has been present since the beginning. For millenniums, man lived on natural waves of light/electricity radiated by the sun, the moon, and the heavens. It was that light that fired and fueled the body and empowered human beings to produce, perform and realize their potentials.

This series isn’t about a plight to return to candlelight and oil lamps, rather, it’s an urge for you to understand how what you’re using today, in particular electricity, affects your productivity, performance, potentials, and life.

To examine how we got to this place/point in time, I’ve also included the historical background of light and electricity. See the link in my IG bio for my blog post about it.

For that reason, let’s look at what has happened since the 1700s and how it changed the conditions of man/humanity.

When Benjamin Franklin verified that light and small sparks of electricity were essentially the same things after his experiment with a key and flying a kite during a storm in 1752, he assisted with our understanding of the link between electricity and lightning.

Man has been in the middle ever since then.

Fast forwarding to 1879, Edison invented the light bulb and wired New York city for direct electrical power (DC) in 1882. Direct current is also the current that earth runs on and our bodies evolved with.

A war between the type of current that would power the world started when Nikola Telsa discovered alternating currents (AC) in 1887.

A plan to change time and the amount of light man had to work in was adopted in the United States with the Standard Time Act of March 19, 1918. There’s been an ongoing experiment with daylight savings ever since then. Man in the middle again.

Man went to the moon and purveyed the heavens.

In 1887, Heinrich Hertz show evidence of the waves producing radio waves in his lab.

In brief, during the 1800s man discovered the various colors, wavelengths, and frequencies of light that living things function in, including human physiology, and named it the electromagnetic spectrum.

By now you might be asking, why does this brief history about electricity matter?

The news headlines, stories of people across America who have been affected by EMI, thousands of peer-reviewed studies, and discoveries about the effects of excessive and/or prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields on the human body are concerning. It matters because it affects productivity, performance, and human potentials.

During an interview in 2000, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine and author of Body Electric, Dr. Robert O. Becker, said: “I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time the greatest polluting element in the earth’s environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. “

One of the interviews that I conducted for this series was with Dr. Sam Milham, a physician who specializes in public health and the author of “Dirty Electricity,” who attributes nearly all modern diseases, from cancer to obesity and diabetes to high-frequency alternating currents in residential and workplaces.

Join me for this educational and riveting series about the dirtiest secret in America that’s lurking in homes and workplaces everywhere. Learn the electrical nature of the human body, how it fuels productivity, success, and human potentials, and ways to reclaim: the body’s light power.

“Human productivity, performance, and potentials are Voltage.”~Dr. Trevicia Williams

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