Father Daughter Relationships: Do Daughters Marry Their Dads?

Father Daughter Relationships: Do Daughters Marry Their Dads?

The father daughter relationship is important because it is part of a girl’s foundation of love, trust and security. The father daughter relationship sets the standards for respect and what she “should” expect from boys and men in other areas of her life. A daughter’s relationship and interactions with her father is a significant predictor of the type of short-term and long-term relationships she will pursue when she starts dating, and, later on, gets married. It has been said that daughters marry their fathers. That’s largely because children learn a lot about love and life by what they observe growing up. If they observe love and kindness they tend to seek those attributes in other relationships. Alternatively, if they observe abuse and neglect, they are more inclined to seek relationships accordingly. http://www.ktxdtv.com/story/25770571/psychologist-dr-trevicia-williams-father-daughter-relationships A recent study showed that fathers and mothers bond differently with daughters: Dads feel more connected and close when they are actually “doing” things with their daughters whereas moms feel closest when they are having a conversation with their daughters. 1. Doing vs. Dialogue A recent study showed that a significant “Game Changer” with fathers and daughters sense of feeling close were shared activities especially sports! Other meaningful life events for fathers and daughters include: 1. leaving home; and, 2. getting married. While the Baylor Study showed that both fathers and daughters agreed that playing sports helped them bond the most, other activities dads said enriched their relationship included: 1. Engaging in faith based activities such as church; 2. Doing projects around the house together; and, 3. Giving their daughters driving lessons. The study also showed that...
Dr. Trevicia Williams, Talks With Annie Jennings PR About I Love You But I Can’t Stand You Right Now

Dr. Trevicia Williams, Talks With Annie Jennings PR About I Love You But I Can’t Stand You Right Now

Dr. Trevicia Williams (Twitter: @DrTrevicia) had fun answering National New York Publicist, Annie Jennings, questions about the turbulent teen years, parent child relationships, mother teen daughter relationship dynamics and more. Dr. Trevicia Williams, is the author of the book There Are Pearls In The Pain of Every Experience, and Founder of the charity, Real Beauty Inside Out, where she offers the free workshop I Love You But I Can’t Stand You Right Now – Mother Teen Daughter Healthy Relationships. Read more about Dr. Trevicia Williams’ signature I Love You But I Can’t Stand You Right Now mother teen daughter healthy relationship interview:...

Texas Teen Births Still High Says CDC Report: Dr.Trevicia Williams Says More Mother Daughter Workshops Are In The Works

Unfortunately, according to the Center for Disease Control, Texas still has the nation’s 4th highest teen birth rate. Dallas is #1 in the nation for repeat teen pregnancies. As a former Texas child bride, and, subsequently teen mom, this issue is very dear to my heart. So, I’ve partnered with local school districts, e.g., Dallas, I.S.D., Highland Park, I.S.D. and Frisco, I.S.D., to make free workshops available to mothers and teen daughters. It takes positive role models, interventions such as the free workshops, qualified professionals and supportive communities for programs to be successful. Plano Women’s Club has contributed to the community changer program I implemented last year, and, more businesses are learning about it. However, without the support of communities, free workshops are not...

News is spreading fast about Dr. Trevicia Williams, DFW Schools & Women’s History Month!

Many are preparing for spring break and the annual celebration of women during Women’s History Month. Dr. Trevicia Williams is extending Women’s History Month’s theme of education and empowerment locally through a vibrant celebration. Forbes.com is talking about it and many Dallas Fort Worth Texas mothers and teen daughters are sure to be spreading the word about Real Beauty Inside Out: A free effective communication and healthy relationship workshop provided by Dr. Trevicia. See what Forbes.com is saying about it:...

Beauty Inside-Out: Fierce You (TM) Mobilizes 500 Entrepreneurial Women to Sashay for a Cause: Reduce Texas Teen Pregnancies

Beauty Inside-Out: Fierce You (TM) Mobilizes 500 Entrepreneurial Women to Sashay for a Cause: Reduce Texas Teen Pregnancies  DALLAS, Nov. 1 /Send2Press/ — Beauty Inside-Out: Fierce YouTM and Dr. Trevicia recently unveiled a campaign to deputize 500 professional and entrepreneurial women in the beauty, health and wellness industries to collaborate to inspire and educate teenage girls ages 13-18 and reduce teen and unplanned pregnancies in Texas. Helping Dallas Fort-Worth teenagers and families cope with the increased stress levels associated with peer pressure and self-esteem crisis. Texas is second in the nation for teen pregnancies, and, every 10 minutes a child is conceived. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, only 40 percent of teenagers who have children before age 18 go on to graduate from high school, compared to 75 percent of teens from similar social and economic backgrounds who do not give birth until ages 20 or 21. Self-esteem is a crisis. A Dove study, Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National Report on the State of Self-Esteem, shows 7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members.  During the Beauty Inside-Out: Fierce YouTM Campaign, Dr. Trevicia Williams will energize women to get involved with the movement and sashay for a cause on January 11. Drawing from her own bounce back experience along with over a decade of academic studies in human behavior, she inspires people to think higher while teaching them how to overcome obstacles and become effective. Dr. Trevicia Williams will take snippets...
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