3 Stunning Advantages of Adversity

The Covid-19 pandemic created a global crisis that led to unprecedented levels of uncertainty and dismay. Managing life’s storms can be uncomfortable and downright scary. It can cause one to feel powerless, reveal shortcomings, and lead to disappointment. As terrifying as adversity can be, dismissing or avoiding it deprives us of gains that we could not otherwise realize.

The absence of tough times and adversity prevents us from learning and growing. We can’t develop and discover what our purpose and real potentials are. Reflecting on previous difficult times, we can see where we gained much-needed lessons, knowledge and even spiritual growth when we felt the toughness and embraced it anyway.

The surprising benefits of adversity:

Self-improvement and development. Inspiration, motivation, self-help book, and, life coaching significantly helps one discover his or her strengths, but, nothing teaches like adversity. Adversity forces us to press the pause, and, sometimes even stop button to assess our lives. It causes us to evaluate our behaviors and priorities to see if they are aligned with our purpose. Sometimes even success, as those who define it by material gain, isn’t really success because it lacks divine purpose…what we’re really on earth for.

Development of endurance. The turbulences of life build strength and endurance to withstand future storms. Just as we reach plataeus with physical workouts, there are times when our stamina for difficulties and challenges needs to be strengthened. It’s written, the race is given to those who endure. There are sprints and marathons. In the context of life, we’re all running a marathon. There’s always another level of endurance to achieve and each one prepares you for new opportunities and greater success.

Faith builder. Faith is far more powerful than fear. Fear keeps you stuck in a zone of familiarity and comfort. Fear keeps you stagnant and disables growth. Faith helps you release your fears, and, even though you feel apprehensive about moving forward, you embrace the transition. Faith empowers you with the wherewithal to allow yourself to be challenged enough to change.

Embracing adversity is no cakewalk. Fear of the unknown, uncertainty and change can dominate your decision to face the challenge at hand. However, knowing the advantages of adversity and maintaining those perspectives makes it easier to press through the storm. Taking one step of the process of pressing through adversity at a time increases the likelihood of getting through it with valuable gains like, strength, wisdom, knowledge about yourself, and others. Those are intangibles that empower you to reach for and attain tangibles like career moves, enriched relationships, purchasing your dream home etc.

Ninety percent of an experience is based on your reaction. The way you respond to adversity is the most powerful part of it. There are so many examples of people who have done amazing things with their experience. For me, like so many people around the world are experiencing amid the Covid-19 crisis, years ago, I was laid off from a job that I loved so much. Naturally, I was upset and felt a sense of disruption to my financial peace of mind. However, a couple of months after the layoff, I discovered an opportunity that empowered me to write my own paycheck. I took advantage of it and didn’t look back.

Are you looking for opportunities amid the adversity that you’re experiencing?

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