Stress and the Holidays (Christmas, New Year’s ect.)

Taking steps to reduce stress can greatly improve your quality of life as well as balance across work-life roles. Stress is often described as the result of demands exceeding resources. Stress was once associated with men, the primary financial support of the family, who experienced significant stress balancing the struggle up the corporate ladder with the responsibility of providing for his family. Today, women share this ever-increasing stress-load as the world presents them with multiple opportunities for success and wealth. The way women respond to stressors and the environment they create has the potential for enhancing their competitiveness and success leverage. Peak performance is a benefit of well managed stress. Equally important to women’s work-life balance quest is the need to develop a support system. Not all support systems are created equally though! The key for working women, whether they are entrepreneurs or have a corporate job, is the need to surround themselves with people who will insist that they take time out for themselves. A vital part of a woman’s support system is her social capital. Having loving and supportive friends who are able to not only see that time for self is needed, but gently help by suggesting outlets for balance can be crucial to the success of a work-life balance mission. Dr. Trevicia...
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